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Bored Giant


Code control is an essential aspect of developing any software product, with developers and project managers working together to bring out software products full of…

Getting the Best Use Out of your Information

Information is a precious resource that has been known to work for the benefit of businesses, companies, and organizations all over the world. This information…

Getting More Data Processed in a Company

The data capacity of a company is a determinant of how well the company is able to provide services to its customers and the reason…

Gamifying Workplace Apps for better ROI

Workplace apps are those applications that are used by the employees of a company while they are still at work. They perform a number of…

Gaining Business Insight from Big Data

Big data is one of the most precious digital assets for modern businesses and a reason that businesses have managed to stay afloat in uncertain…

Form Inputs and Security for Internet Users

Forms are a means of entering information on the internet and are clearly labeled to assist the user in what information is supposed to be…