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Bored Giant

Handling Data Demands for Huge Systems

Huge systems tend to process a lot of information, and every time the users of these systems need to make use of it, they will…

Handling Customer’s Information Securely

The secure processing of information is one of the key pillars upon which modern businesses operate. By being able to handle the information that is…

Handling Customer Data Confidentially

The data that a customer enters on a website is susceptible, and as an online business or service provider, you should be able to handle…

Google Drive vs. Dropbox

Several internet storage services have been invented due to the introduction of cloud computing. Google Drive and Dropbox are two such online drive providers that…

Google Cloud Platform

Cloud computing is a growing trend for processing information and handling big data in the modern information age. The Google Cloud Platform is one of…

Good Password Habits

Having good passwords is very useful for any computer user that needs to keep their information safe at all times. It is the reason there…

Giving Value to Customers through Software

Software is a powerful means of reaching your customers and getting them the best value in customer experience, security, the privacy of their information, and…