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Posts published in “Cloud”

Importance of Network Restrictions

All the resources behind networks usually have a degree of importance attached to them and determines the kind of security they should be accorded. The…

Importance of Labeling Information

Labels provide contextual information to any piece of data, and for anyone that is looking to organize the universe around them, they prove to be…

Impact of Page Load Speed on Traffic

Page load speed has a huge impact on traffic as the faster a page can load, the easier it can show up on the devices…

Identifying Weak Spots on a Network

Network security is important for the safety of the information stored on the systems that are on these networks. Any network with weak points in…

HTTPS and Web Page Security

HTTPS is an encryption standard used by modern web pages and applications to secure the information moving between web applications and web servers. The information…

How Touch Input Improved Data Interaction

Touch input is a recent form of interfacing with information systems. It has grown in popularity as it has been applied to small mobile devices,…

How to Host a Website

Hosting a website on the internet is a process that keeps the website safe on a server where it is easily accessible. All the files…