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Identifying Glaring mistakes in your Information Architecture

Any information system designed to be easy to use for the users should be stable enough to take on the requirements of their users and allow for a clean operation of the information that has to be processed in good time. The information architecture that has been designed to facilitate the easy processing of information should be without errors and simple enough to handle massive amounts of information without fail.

Moving information from the application to a database system, for instance, should be simple and secure enough to ensure that the users of the application or information system can access information and make changes to it whenever they wish to. The users of the applications will also rely on the underlying design of the information architecture to provide better results. The glaring mistakes that are typical points of failure for most modern information systems cause the entire information system to fail. This renders the whole setup useless because the information architecture cannot take on and process the information presented or fed to it.

The information system users will also benefit from an information architecture that does not have a point of weakness as attackers such as hackers are likely to take advantage of these mistakes to gain illegal access into the information systems. The information’s architecture should be such that only users with credentials and privileges can access the information. In contrast, users with lower access levels only get to have as much access to the information.

Control over the information is also determined by how much permissions the user has got. The information system will usually restrict who modifies the information and access it based on access credentials they have to access the systems. Modern information systems are designed to be fault-tolerant, and this assures the users that all the information that they work with on the systems is safe and secure from failures that can lead to a loss of information and the integrity of the information might get affected when the architecture of the information is faulty.

The confidence of the application users is only derived from a stable architecture that does not contain inherent issues such as lacking a means of controlling and restricting access to the information. The information system users will also appreciate an information architecture that clearly reveals the kind of access that works for the information system and which sections of the information are restricted. The users of the information system will also be sure to make better use of an architecture that does not have underlying weaknesses that cause the system to stay exposed to external threats such as hackers and other information criminals trying to gain access to the information and make modifications to it without proper credentials or the necessary authorization needed for most typical information systems.