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Posts published in “Cloud”

Importance of Virus Scans for Local Systems

Workers at the premises of a business make use of desktop computers, which they use to carry out their daily business activities such as keeping…

Importance of Using Backups

Backups are a useful way of preserving information and making sure that it does not get lost. Loss of information is a way of getting…

Importance of Uptime for Online Businesses

Uptime is the characteristic of a connection that determines whether it will sustain itself and stay on for an extended duration. It is also a…

Importance of Sync

Sync is a concept for keeping information accurate and up to date without changing its meaning or modifying it in any way. It keeps accounts…

Importance of Software Maintenance

Software maintenance is the stage right after the deployment of a software application to the clients and users who required the software in the first…

Importance of Secure Wi-Fi Connections

There are several kinds of networks, safe and unsafe. Wi-Fi connections might be open or closed to the public depending on the configuration that might…