The information has been growing at tremendous rates in recent times and this has led to upgrades and even overhauls in the way that this information gets presented to internet users. Modern web standards have been upgraded to make the presentation and delivery of this information to the users easy and beautiful. This includes the markup that has been used to represent the webpages that make up the websites and web applications as well as the cascading style sheets that describe how these websites and web applications should be beautified and spruced up in order to present an appealing effect to the users.
HTML5 is one of the modern web standards which play a critical role in the presentation of information on web pages. It determines the tags that are used in the different portions of the website and what kind of media can be presented on modern web pages. It is also used by the browsers to determine what characteristics to execute for the web page. For instance, a mobile website will be responsive and flow to make full use of the screen space available whereas a desktop version of the same website will fill up the entire screen and show all the information as it should be laid out on the screen.
Modern CSS is one of the other elements of modern web standards and has been known to provide internet users with a presentation format that is unlike any other web application. The web standard makes it possible to determine colors for the elements of the web and make the appearance of the text more appealing such as modifying the font sizes of the information and the colors of the font and its appearance such as boldness and italics for certain portions of the text on a web page. CSS is one of the major components of the modern web standards and has been extended to even include the animations that make for subtle information presentation that is appealing and meaningful for the users.
JavaScript makes the information on the modern web more accessible as well as providing controls for the rest of the UI elements on the web pages. Modern JavaScript is more effective and can connect a web application to other resources on the internet easily. During the login process for many websites and web applications, JavaScript will be used to encrypt the information and provide for a secure session in which to pass the verification information to the webserver. Multimedia applications such as videos on a webpage are prompted and activated by the JavaScript on the page.
In conclusion, modern web standards determine the presentation of information on modern web pages and include HTML5, CSS3, and new variants and flavors of JavaScript for web applications. Any internet user will notice that modern applications are much easier to present information to the user and they also perform reasonably well given the current standard set up for information presented on the internet. These standards improve web applications and make it possible to interact with the users more easily no matter which device they use to access the web app.