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Posts tagged as “data”

Secure Web Browsing

Secure web browsing is important to ensure that the user gets to have a secure session in which to exchange information with a web server…

Safeguarding Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud resources are widely used in modern-day business applications to handle more information and better serve the needs of their customers who rely on these…

RDP and Virtual Machines

Virtual machines that exist on cloud infrastructure enable anyone to extend their computing strength and add to their existing resources. They are a resource to…

Programming Websites with JavaScript

Websites are not intended to be static pages that do not have much functionality and the users that interact with them expect more than just…

Preventing Data Corruption

Data integrity and the structure of information that is in use and that which is still in storage plays a huge role in upholding the…

Managing Huge Datasets

Companies and organizations that are operating on the internet tend to collect huge amounts of information from the many digital resources that they have employed…