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Programming Websites with JavaScript

Websites are not intended to be static pages that do not have much functionality and the users that interact with them expect more than just simple information. In some cases, the designer of the website can include animations and other programming functionalities to the website in order to provide the visitors with an easier and less stressful user experience as they interact with the website.

These functionalities are included using the programmability power of JavaScript. Forms on the website, for instance, can be highly improved using JavaScript which ensures that the correct data type is being entered on the spaces in the form and the user does not omit some of the details that are required on the website.

The forms are also secured using the same programming functionality of JavaScript and the users of the website are able to have an easier time which is way more enjoyable than static websites that do not even validate the information that is being entered through the forms. Modern websites are also easy to animate and the elements on the page can be made to appear more attractive as well as placing emphasis on some of the sections of the website.

For instance, the paragraphs on a long story that are intended to stand out and grab the attention of the reader can be animated using JavaScript as well as floated in and out of the web pages for the benefit of keeping the reader attentive to the content of long content on the website such as lengthy blog posts and other stories on the website.

Websites that have been programmed using JavaScript are also able to filter out incorrect information and the scripts get to improve the experience and interaction of the website as well as compressing information that is being sent to the user’s browser which translated into massive savings in the data used to present information and interact with the user on the website and this makes it possible to use less bandwidth while presenting more content to the reader and the website visitor gets to enjoy the full capability of the website.

Websites that have such programming abilities are also able to present more complicated information to the user such as a live feed and information in the form of a graph or a chart that is being sourced from live information. Stock trading websites and real-time betting websites are very famous for this and usually present information that is collated from several data sources using JavaScript to ensure that this information is presented to the website visitor in a friendly manner.

The user of the website also gets to have a cleaner web experience that is well defended and all the functionality included using the powerful web scripting language that has been known to make simple information presentation more powerful and usable. The websites that have this kind of programming integrated into them also work to the benefit of the users and the owners of the website will not have to invest much to retain customers.