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Posts published in “Web”

Unsecure Connections and their Risk

The means through which you access the internet to determine whether you will be reaching these online resources safely or not. Safety is a critical…

Typography and Web Experiences

Typography is the art of arranging text and laying it out on a website in a way that is easy to read without straining. The…

Types of Networks

There are different types of networks that are in existence with the common one being the network that is provided by your carrier. If you…

Twitter Feed vs. RSS

Twitter feeds and RSS feeds are two kinds of feeds that are commonly confused about their nature and design with both being arranged similarly and…

Tracking Health Information via Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are a useful means of tracking health information given the number of sensors that are embedded into them. The devices are very sensitive…

The Semantic Web

Classifying information and making it easily accessible and easy to reference is a challenge that has been facing data scientists and they have been working…

The Operating Systems Journey

Operating systems have been the interface between computer users, device users, and their hardware for a very long time. They are the reason we can…

The Lifetime of Cookies

Cookies are the small files that are saved on a browser when the user visits a website and represent information that enables the web browser…