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Posts published by “admin”

Developer, blogger, writer.

Defending Large Scale Information Systems

Large scale information systems are known to hold a lot of information which must be well defended at all times. The structure and architecture of…


Databases are the kind of applications that are designed with the purpose of making information much simpler to organize and store in an organized manner.…

Databases and Web Applications

Databases are a means of storing information in a manner that is simple to present to the user and the programs that are known as…

Data Presentation

Data can be presented in multiple manners such as simple numbers arranged in the form of a table or the same information simplified into a…

Data Organization

Organizing data is one of the very useful aspects to information management and the reason why companies and businesses alike are always working on ways…

Data Compression

Data compression makes information much smaller and works on a scheme which derives patterns from the massive amounts of information that need to be compressed.…

Data as a Service

The internet ecosystem has seen a huge growth in recent time as more and more participants come to the forefront of the information architecture. Consumers…

Data and Lifestyles

Data affects lifestyles in very many ways and it can have a huge effect on how people go about their daily lives. For instance, anyone’s…

Cyber threats Facing Big Ecommerce Establishments

Ecommerce establishments are some of the sensitive installations on the internet that handle massive amounts of information each second and are the main target of…