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Leveraging Social Networks for Online Businesses

Social networks have been around for a little time now, and at the pace that they have grown, there have been many changes, even in their users’ social structure. Online businesses have seen this as one way to make use of the reduced gap in interactions and present themselves to potential customers in a friendlier manner that is close to the customer and more dynamic, vibrant, and energetic. Online businesses have been known to use the power of social networks in giving out relevant updates and new announcements promptly as there are a lot of people on these sites at any moment.

The instant that an announcement is made, it immediately gets into their feeds, and they see it and share it with friends who they feel should get to see the same information. There are many ways that businesses on the internet can use social networks even when they are intent on making sales or growing their brands. Announcements through these channels reach the customers faster, and the reactions flow back in the form of comments and other reactions such as likes and emoticons on the posts made by the online business.

Whenever changes are being made to the service delivery of the business, the social networks will be employed to make this announcement, and the changes are known to the customers; and this will not only get the customers actively engaged on the changes, but also aware of the changes taking place in the online business. These announcements are timely and targeted accurately to ensure that the correct demographic factors are considered when reaching out to the customers over the social media channels and engaging them.

Feedback is quite useful for online businesses as it makes them stand out more than their competitors. With the social networks being avenues for immediate reactions and feedback about what the customers feel about the website and the services offered to them, making improvements to this becomes much easier and more effortless. The changes are usually done in real-time to keep in step with the customers’ digital habits. As most of them expect to have their requests attended to immediately, they will check the business’s social network avenues from time to time and see whether their feedback and reactions have been put into use.

As an online business, social networks are the place to get open, honest reactions and feedback from users and customers alike. This is why one should not underestimate the networks as they are the first source for immediate feedback and the only way to engage with the customers round the clock while upgrading and improving business processes and service delivery in the same way. Maintaining the social presence is important and one of the main differentiating factors between online businesses aware of social networks and those that do not mind the customer’s feedback through these very same channels.