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Bored Giant

Importance of Data Transparency

Working with data can be complicated when the true nature of the dataset is vague and almost unknown. This means that someone working with the…

Importance of Data Organization for a Business

Keeping data organized is quite useful for any business that is serious about its activity and why many businesses have employed efforts and measures to…

Importance of Compression in Saving Data

Compression is a means of making a huge amount of information take up lesser space than it typically occupies. This is used whenever the information…

Importance of Backups for Ecommerce Entities

Backups are the copies of information that are saved onto servers and other databases for the sake of keeping a replica of the information being…

Importance of Analytics in Directing Data Usage

Analytics are useful figures and numbers that are generated when working with applications and websites. Businesses that have got analytics built into their products to…

Importance of a Steady Online Presence

Keeping and maintaining an online presence for online businesses has been known to make businesses and other organizations very successful on the internet. This is…

Impact of Technology on Lifestyles

Lifestyles have been heavily affected by the advent of technology. Many of the patterns in habits that have been formed by people have been as…

Impact of Page Load Speed on Traffic

Page load speed has a huge impact on traffic as the faster a page can load, the easier it can show up on the devices…

Identity Theft on the Web

Identity theft is a form of information crime in which the user’s identity of a corporate web application or information system is stolen and used…