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Posts published in “Big data”

How Technology Influences Urbanization

Technology has been a main driving force towards the development of economies, and nations have gotten to work more efficiently thanks to the power of…

How Systems Evolve

Systems, especially information systems, have improved and get better as the generations of successive inventions have surfaced. A system can evolve by inspecting itself and…

How Smaller Devices are Getting More Powerful

Smaller devices are increasing in terms of their processing power, and this comes as no surprise. A small device means that there is increasingly lesser…

How Shopping Recommendations Work

Online commerce has been moving very slow in the recent past as users are often unable to find what they are looking for. This has…

How Secure is your Online Activity?

Do you feel safe while you are using the internet? Are you suspicious of losing information that you offer to provide to a web service…

How Redundant Systems Work

Imagine being able to keep several backups of a certain piece of information in several places. This has many benefits, and the potential that comes…

How Recommendation Works

Have you ever visited a website and found out that similar services and products started showing up on the same page whenever you started searching…

How Real time Video Works

Streaming video is an amazing upgrade and functionality of the modern internet, which has seen massive penetration to many devices and browsers. Mobile devices, smartphones,…

How RAM Affects Computer Performance

Random-access memory is a part of the computer hardware in charge of the temporary files used to enhance the performance of a computer. The memory…