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TIPA: Grid-Scale Solar Energy

A reason most modern solar power systems are not working at their highest efficiency levels is the fact that they use up too much space. The flat design of most modern solar panels means there is barely enough space to capture the full potential of the sun’s energy. However, thanks to the innovation by TIPA, it is now possible to get the full energy from the sun. The design of TIPA solar pipes makes them capable of higher efficiencies as they can easily absorb more energy from the sun and as such, they keep your energy levels high and your solar energy requirements fully satisfied. The kits are easy to assemble and have been designed in a modular manner. As such, you do not have to worry about where you are going to install your panels since this will already be taken care of by the multiple surfaces and angles to their panels. Additionally, the modular design means scaling up and down to accommodate your needs and those of your household. The innovation is already on Kickstarter and is expected to be in the market in the next few years.

More information can be found in the video below and on their Kickstarter website at