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Does Design Matter For Your Business Website?

Businesses must make the best impression on clients, customers, peers, and partners. A website is one of the assets that modern businesses have to provide publicly available information about their products or services. With an excellent design for your website, you’ll notice that customers will spend more time generally impressed with what they see.

First impressions matter; whatever design your customers will see first will remain with them for consecutive visits. They will also be more likely to recall the site if they see it in a design that impresses them. A good website design is a challenging feat to achieve, and, as such, you must take your time and effort to impress and provide an overall good design that caters to all your business needs and requirements. Following are some factors about your website design that you should consider for your business website.

Colour Choice

The choice of color on elements within your site factors massively into the experience your web visitors will receive. Colors have the remarkable ability to complement each other beautifully. When you strike the perfect balance of colors, hues, and shades on your website, your business will make quite an impression on customers and other visitors.

Readers will not have to strain or stress themselves to read or see images on your site, with most of them leaving the site after a few moments. Visitors will be concerned when you have mismatched colors on your website, often leading to them leaving without going through any of your content. Taking the time and testing several flavors and versions of colors can get you a combination that will be the perfect fit for your business. Your choice of colors should also match your website or business brand and enable you to make the right impression on all your customers.

Colors are the elements that make websites easier to read and interact with. With comfortable colors on your business website, visitors will likely spend longer and make more purchases. Ensure that you take your time to select the best combination of colors that will provide a comfortable reading experience on your business website. Any minor mistakes can ruin your website visitors’ experience and lead to business loss. Additionally, try to mix colors to create hues that lie in between the two colors. This will also help improve your website for customers, visitors, and others.


Text is used on business websites to provide details and information about the services and products rendered to your customers. Descriptions help give you a more accurate portrayal of what to expect from a respectable business. They are also helpful in helping you promote products in your business and ensure that your customers know exactly what they are buying.

Typography also takes care of the heaviness of the font, the font style used, and the presence of italics. Spacing out text adequately makes your website more readable and friendly to visitors. Text and images should also be spaced out correctly to give plenty of room for roaming over as the visitor looks at your website. The choice of font family also plays a significant role in your overall website design and the impression you can make on customers and visitors.


The choice of images used on your business website matters greatly regarding the experience customers will get from you. Accurate product images are as important as detailed product descriptions, making your business more accountable and transparent about its operations.

With correct and friendly product images, you will quickly get your customers interested in what you have to sell them. The product images also need to be arranged in a manner that will capture details from all angles. This makes the product presentation much easier, and customers will surely be impressed with your work in giving them the best online experience. Professional images are recommended, and great businesses will hire a talented photographer to take photos of their products. This is important to establishing an online business and makes it possible to have a catalog for your customers.

Images should also cover your website’s icons, logos, and other photographic content. Good branding should also be part of your business website design since it can set your business apart from the rest of the competition. A good business is a good brand, evident from the services they provide its customers. Consistent branding is required in your business as it gives you a unique look and feel. It also has a good impression on your customers, and they will be able to recognize your brand more effortlessly. This is important as it can grow your online presence, giving you that much-needed growth and room for improvement.

Animations and Page Transitions

These other essential elements of web design make your business website impressive and even more lively. It adds to the experience customers receive from your website and makes their time engaged more exciting and entertaining. Slight animations such as little bounces here and there give your website that appeal that can be astronomically hard to miss.

The transition of content on your website can also add to your website’s usability, and the general experience customers will get on your website. Simple transitions make using your business more accessible and can also add to the fun visitors have at your website. No matter the elements being animated between, simple transitions give the effect of time moving, and the website becomes interactive, more pleasant, and generally exciting. Animations can also be used for inputs and forms on your website to make it easier to enter correct input and allow customers to add correct information on the business website.

A good animation experience on your website can also add to your brand strength and the influence your business will have on customers. Visitors love animations, and entertaining them on your website will make it easier for them to visit again or even make a purchase. Giving your website visitors a memorable experience makes it easier for them to take action, such as subscribing to your services, buying your products, or becoming part of your mailing list.


As you can see, website design for your business can make a huge difference. A good business website should have proper spacing, typography, excellent color choice, and optional animations, making the overall experience comfortable and pleasant for your customers.