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Secure Mail

Mail that is secure has got a number of properties that are so much different from the general mail that has not been secured. For instance, all the header information on the mail that is secure is usually scanned and verified to ensure that the email message is addressed to the correct recipient and has been sent from a reputable source.

It also has all the correct digital signatures which confirm that the secure mail has been signed from the source and with the use of the included key infrastructure; the authenticity of the message in the email can be proved.  Email messages are usually scanned as they enter the user’s inbox. This is done in an effort to curb the spread of spam mail and separate the legitimate email messages from the illegal ones.

This is an automated process and does not take much time. However, at the end of the process is a whole heap of legal mail that has been gracefully assorted and the spam messages are thrown into another heap which is usually deleted after a given grace period. Any mail that is not secure will have the properties of unsecure mail such as a header that is not well labeled and does not contain all the necessary identification information.

Secure email is appreciated and very much preferred as it ensures that whatever communication and interaction take place between the two parties that are involved in the communication, nothing can be leaked or confidential information lost to listening parties. The integrity of the information and details that are in the email messages is also assured and the senders of the messages will stay safe in the knowledge that they are sending messages over secure channels and then encrypted messages reach the recipient without being tampered with along the way.

For a long time, there were no ways of making sure that email messages and the structure of email communication were safe but as improvements started getting added to the SMTP protocol, it became possible to verify the genuineness of email messages from the timestamp from the sender as well as where it was sent from and the server address from which it originated.

This fully proves the identity of the sender and it does not introduce security risks for the parties involved in the communication. Email communication is one of the most secure means of passing messages across the internet and has been known to work better than social media for confidential communications.

There are email service providers that give their customers the ability to send email messages from mailboxes that are temporary and the messages tend to expire after a very short time. These mailboxes are used for sending information that is sensitive in nature and when the sender does not want to make their identity known. This is very useful as it maintains the standards of email messaging and ensures that the people involved in the communication only have the messages and no means of tracking how they have been sent.