Big data systems are designed to process huge amounts of information, and as such, they tend to have workflows made up of huge amounts of information. This is nothing strange. You should not be alarmed by this as typical big data systems churn out a gigabyte of information every hour from the massive amounts of information that have to be processed before the application can bring out results to the application users.
Big data systems are also known to be responsible for their effectiveness at processing information consistently and not to pause or to halt their operations for any reason. This maintained performance of the big data systems makes the data stick around for much longer. The people who depend on the system for their information processing needs will benefit from the applications that have a consistent workflow with regular output and controlled information processing.
Big data systems have been designed and set up to make working with information as easy as it can be made possible, and with a consistent flow of information in the systems, the people that work with the information get the best kind of services. Pumping out results without fail and at a consistent rate is what makes up consistent workflow. Typically, most information systems are designed to process huge amounts of information and store it for long term uses.
The state of the information processing infrastructure does away with the need for the application users to process the same information all over and over again. In most cases, it is more peaceful to leave the big data systems to ensure that whatever workload has been added to them gets processed. The efficient processing of information in big data systems also makes it possible for the users of these systems to use the available resources at their disposal and gain insight from the information they are working with.
The use of a consistent workflow usually eliminates workloads piling up and makes the system too stressed. In some scenarios, the big data system might be forced to accumulate information loads to be processed, and this places a strain on the big data application just like the way more sacks of maize can be stressful to the flour mill. In conclusion, consistent workflows have been proven to work wonders on big data systems, which is why modern information systems are being designed and developed to provide better services to their users.
The users of these systems are also expected to churn out results instead of letting the resources and the system they have lain idle. In contrast, it would be better to process huge amounts of information and reduce the stress that workers and other people experience when they have massive information loads yelling for processing but not really receiving attention. With better workflows and big data system designs, one gets to produce better results from working with the information.