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How Encryption Works

You might probably be wondering what encryption is and how it can turn coherent speech into a bit sequence of mumbles and jumbles to someone trying to listen in on a conversation that they are not a part of. Well, encryption is the process by which information set to be passed over a network gets turned into a format that is unreadable by outside parties and makes it possible for the messages to pass from the sender to the receiver while still in a safe format. Encryption is used mainly when the network through which these messages are being sent is considered to be unsafe, and it turns the messages into an incoherent format that will not be read by the people on the network as they will be even able to tell what the information passing through in an encrypted form is all about. Encryption works by changing the order of the bit patterns that form up the message that is designated to get sent over the network, and based on the base of the encryption, a key is generated from the information, and this is sent with the information for the receiver to open up and reverse the nature of the information hence making it possible for them to read and easily open up the information.

Encryption is not designed as a deterrent for communication. Still, it is meant to cover up what is in the conversation. Anyone that accidentally stumbles across the information while still being sent won’t make head or tail of the information. They do not have encryption or a decryption key to open up the information. The headers of any message sent over the internet tend to have a pattern or sequence that signs it and marks certain important features about the message, such as the time it was sent, the sender, and the receiver. In this manner, the receiver and the sender will be able to communicate with ease, and nothing will be able to leak to the outside of the network. Encryption also works for multimedia files, and other types of information that are not conventional text, images, videos, and audio files can be encrypted before being sent over a network. An encryption’s strength is in the length of its keys, and longer-key encryption take very long durations before the message is decoded. A shorter key length reduces the encryption strength and makes it possible for the sender to prepare simple messages and cut down on time taken in encrypting and decrypting the message.

However, confidential information rarely gets encrypted with short passphrases. As the computers used in these kinds of communications are high-end, the length of the passphrase is increased, making it possible to have as strong encryption as possible for the confidential message to be passed across in the format that it is supposed to.