Browser security is powered by what is known as encryption and this is what makes the browser appear to have an icon that is shaped like a padlock to indicate secure sessions. When you are using your email application, for instance, the service provider will have already put in place all the necessary security standards and this includes a form of encryption that gets all the messages and traffic passing between your browser and the information provider encrypted and unreadable by any other parties in between. Man in the middle attacks have been known to steal browser information while it is still in transit but thanks to the growing strength of encryption protocols, much has been improved and browsers are getting more secure and safe for the users to use confidently and not have any bit of worry or doubt as to whether or not their messages and internet habits are getting intercepted along the way. This means that the standards of modern browser security are determined by the level of programming that has gone into making it possible for the browsers to securely pass information from the browsers to the server while it is still in an encrypted format.
Most of the modern browsers that we have these days have been equipped with a sync feature which is used to establish the identity of the internet user and keep track of all their online accounts. This way, they do not need to feel forms or enter passwords while all this information is synced across the devices they access the internet from on a daily basis. A browser that has the user logged in will be completely encrypted and all the information from the users to internet servers will have been encoded for more security prior to being sent to the servers. This level of security means that modern browsers are less prone to hackers attacks and all their antics have been studied with the codebase for newer versions of the browsers including patches that ensure all the security protocols are observer and the efforts of the hackers thwarted. An upgrade of the security standard for the modern internet also means that reacting to information loss in good time is possible and hackers will not be able to modify information or jump onto a browser that is currently in use before the session is flagged as unsafe.
Additionally, trying to visit insecure sites will make it harder for the browser to even allow you to proceed as it provides plenty of warning messages and detailed information about the security nature of the website that you are just about to visit and if you opt not to proceed, then you will not get exposed to the malware that is on the websites that are not secured properly. Unsecured websites are poor in their standards of encryption and most browsers will flag them as unsafe with advice to the users not to dare venturing into these sites for the safety risk they possess.