Modern cloud based applications are designed to take care of very many information requests happening simultaneously as well as process huge amounts of information in real time. The results are expected in the fraction of a second and this means that the cloud applications are connected to the users using very high speed networks that are also secure and safe from intrusion and data interception whenever these applications are in active use. The cloud application architecture determines how it is able to process information and pass it down to the users that require it but for most of the time; the architecture will only process the information that is presently needed with the rest staying in storage.
Big data is a modern concept in the world of information and very many people have been known to work with the concept. Big data is derived from the accumulation of information in an application from the active and continued use of the application by many people. This leads to very many users contributing to the same connection of information and making it grow to a level where maintaining and managing the information seems to be a challenge. The people that operate with big data always require a cloud architecture that can easily process and sift through this massive pile of data without slowing down or flinching in its performance.
Cloud applications also have high data requirements and in their architecture, the cloud applications are designed to take advantage of high speed internet connection as well as high bandwidth in order to make the best use of the data availed to them. These cloud applications are also designed to be more real time in their operations and provide real time results and services to the users. Customers that interact with the cloud applications expect results without any delay and this is what contributes to the design of the applications.
The users of this information architecture mostly happen to be online businesses and organizations that have been set up to serve huge numbers of customers in real time whereby the cloud applications are required to save information and sort through huge amounts of information in an effort to provide the correct kind of services for their customers. The structure of these applications is such that they are able to follow the design of real time systems while adding a distributed system twist to everything which makes the use of the data very efficient for the end users.
The application will also be equipped to distribute its information processing load very steadily and perform to the expectations of its users. In many cases, the information system that runs on the cloud infrastructure gets to provide results to the users with very little in way of delay and the end users get to receive results with minimal wait which is the reason these applications are so popular. The users of these applications also expect the cloud applications to be capable of providing services all day long and not go offline for any reason.