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3D Bio-printing: Building Functional Organs

Technology has worked wonders and made miracles in various fields such as medicine and when it comes to the world of medicine, it has made it possible to build functional organs thanks to the power of 3D bio-printing. You might wonder whether this is even possible but you can rest assured that it is now a reality. The advances that have happened in the field of technology have proven to be truly wonderful as it is now possible to print full organs which can be transplanted to sick and dying patients. This form of printing has come about as an evolution of printing techniques which started with simple 3D models to full house components which are printed and get buildings assembled together in a matter of only a few hours. For 3D printed organs, the power of technology has made everything a lot easier. No longer does a patient have to be afraid of their bodies rejecting the organs that are going to be 3D printed. With the power of bio-printing, the gene of the patient is used to extract the instructions and sequences that are necessary for the printing of their organs. Once this is done, the information that is extracted from the organs is then used to determine the kind of printing that will be used and what genetic information will be included into the printed organs in order to ensure that the recipients body does not reject the organ that is printed for transplant.

The organs that are printed are also functional as they will be fully working and not break down in any way. Thanks to the advances that have been made in technology, it is possible to get enough gene code information to enable the printers to add functionality to the organs that are printed. These organs will also be able to work for many years in the patient and provide them with the additional functionalities that they are lacking. With the power of bio-printing, it is much easier to get replacement organs for patients and this will do away with the need for having a donor to help with the replacement. Also, the time taken for a donor to be found and the necessary arrangements and preparations made will be greatly reduced when all that will be required is knowing the patients genetic sequence and the organs that need to be prepared for transplant. The rest is as simple as getting the information into a computer program and making sure that the organ is properly printed and designed or structured in a manner as to be useful for the recipient. The patient also gets to have an organ that is a proper match with their genetic information in addition to receiving the much needed organ which means that they will not have to worry about failing health and their condition getting worse.

Advances in technology have also contributed to healthcare improving drastically for patients as they can easily have their health and conditions monitored and tracked over the course of their treatment. With this in place, they will not only get to improve and heal more easily, but they will also get to have a more pleasant time at the hospital. With the use of applications and computer databases, it has also been made possible to see the progress of a patient which means that as they recover from the organ transplant, they will also be able to know how well they are faring along. With the power of technology, the patient will have their information tracked and the healthcare providers will also have all the useful details they require at their fingertips. This means that they will not only provide better healthcare, but they will also provide better experiences to their patients.

Accurate Organ Design

With the power of big data, getting to accurately design organs for patients is possible as they will easily have all the critical aspects of the organ in addition to the genetic condition of the patient fed into the equation. Additionally, the use of technology means that simple blueprints for the organs that need to be printed will be easily fed into the program and the organs will be ready in a much shorter durations. The use of technology will also make for more accurate use of information which means that the printed organ will be according to the exact specifications and nature of the patient. With the power of technology, it is also possible to provide the healthcare providers with feedback from the patient in real time thanks to the power of sensors. The condition and progress of the patient will also be recorded into a database, making it possible to track the recovery of the patient and any reactions they might have to their new organ. Additionally, it is also much easier to print organs when there is already adequate information in the database. Not only does this provide for easier organ printing, but it also means that the patient will easily get the new part or organ that they require without much strain or stress.

Happier Patients

Patients also get to have less waiting time when they are dealing with organ transplants as the use of 3D Bio-printing means that they will easily get the organs that they are looking for and get them transplanted in no time. The patients will get to be much happier as a result and this will also make them much more likely to recover faster without their bodies rejecting the organs. Their health will also improve and they will be soon on the road to recovery. With the power of 3D bio-printing, the patients will be sure to get the organs they need to survive in addition to not having to stay worried and stressed about getting a donor. Typically, donors would take ages to be found as compatibility issues prevented the patients from getting an immediate donor but thanks to the advances made in technology, this has been changed.