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Growing Your Business Online

The internet and access to information present an opportunity for modern businesses to grow online. It is quite useful for businesses that need to reach people on a global scale and can be put into good use delivering the product and services that customers are looking for. With search, the internet becomes much smaller and easier to access, a chore that Google has been good at for several decades now.

Businesses can grow by getting online and making use of resources and information available to them for their own improvement as well as delivering a better customer experience. There are several ways modern businesses can grow online and we delve into each in detail in this post.

Social Media

This is one of the most popular ways for businesses on the internet to make their presence and services are known to their customers and social media bridges the interaction gap by a huge measure. Social media is much friendlier for your customers and they use it on a more frequent basis which means your business gets to render better services. With social media, interaction is important and some businesses usually resort to hiring a specialist for this particular task.

These are known as social media representatives and interact on behalf of these parties on social media. They are constantly online and will react to or reply to your messages, and comments and keep posting new updates about the business and what products or services you have stored up for your customers.

Social media is more fun and less restrictive and as such, it will enable you to take care of all the tastes and preferences of your customers at every moment.

In case a customer has a complaint about your business or organisation, they can reach out on social media and ask for changes or even improvements to be made in certain ways. This kind of input is quite useful for the customer since they get to stay constantly updated about the business as well as promotions, discounts and seasonal offers. You can also conduct polls on social media to get the honest opinions of your customers which is useful for the improvement and subsequent growth of your online business.


An online presence is important for most modern businesses since it determines how easy it will be for your customers to reach you or get information about your products and services. With your website, you can easily list out your catalogue products as well as product images to gain the interest of the customers. Good product descriptions are recommended for businesses’ websites and product descriptions since this is what really gets the customers.

As long as you have all the details included about your products and services, customers will be more likely to reach out to you or make an order from your store, for instance. A good website design is important and should be accessible from tablets, smartphones, notebooks, laptops, desktop computers and even smart televisions. This is a web design concept known as responsiveness and keeps your website accessible from all kinds of devices.

With such a design for your online business, access by customers from all the devices they use to access the internet will be effortless and getting the information they need, for them, will be much more convenient. Hiring a web designer at this point could also be useful as modern websites have to fit certain standards and someone with an understanding of code will do a good job that you will be surely impressed with.

Alternatively, there are drag-and-drop tools freely available on the internet which you can use to make your website design without the need to know how to code, HTML5, CSS3 and other advanced stuff like JavaScript. You can use one such tool to create a website for your business and ensure that you have a presence established. Once you have a website designed and ready to publish, you will need to have a hosting service provider. These are the internet companies that host your website for you and sell you a domain to match your needs.

The domain will be registered under your business name and your website will finally be online and readily accessible to all internet users. You can make the announcement to your social media followers gained in the previous step and start receiving a steady stream of website traffic which will start making more sense once you have your online presence established.


A blog is another efficient and very effective means of getting your online business growing and making steady strides to progress. It is easy to start and if you have a passion for writing, getting the content fresh and hot off your imaginative kilns will be a sustainable approach to keep your online business growing. A blog is also fun to run and your online business will have much to benefit in way of online exposure and a better ranking in search engines.

With the blog, your business can provide more in-depth information about your products and services which means that you will no longer leave your customers without the information they need. If the products your business sell requires guides and other useful tutorials to use effectively, the blog will be the best way to pass on this information and avoid damaging appliances and devices for lack of know-how about the product.

Your blog needs a steady, reliable, supply of juicy blog posts that customers will enjoy and keep coming back for more. Your business will also be able to keep social media users updated thanks to a blog that has more detailed information for them. Writing consistently can feel like a challenge or even impossible at first, but it all gets easier over time and you can get more information passed across to your customers in this manner.


Businesses operating on the internet have much potential for growth. There are endless opportunities for improvements and a business that understands what its customers needs is the most effective kind of business. Additionally, there are now modern infrastructural resources that can be used to lessen the computing load on the typical online business. This is an entirely different story on its own and will possibly be covered in an upcoming blog post. Watch this space and all the best in growing your business online.