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Simplifying Big Data with the Cloud

Big data refers to massive data sets that keep growing exponentially over time. It is a computing trend that stems from the vast amounts of data generated by people using the internet and applications in their daily lives. Big data is critical, especially for the modern world, where big data is a persistent trend.

Businesses can stay competitive and serve their customers better by taking care of the data that keeps growing at an uncontrollable rate. With big data, there is a lot that businesses and organizations can gain.

The cloud is one of those resources that has only recently made its way into the modern digital landscape. Cloud computing is increasingly getting used by companies and businesses that need to use big data significantly. Whenever businesses are faced with the challenge of data that keeps increasing and growing at an unpredictable rate, it is the cloud that they can use to stay afloat and functional.

With the modern cloud, businesses can better handle their affairs and keep running no matter the demand placed on their resources.

In this post, you will learn:

What is Big Data?

Big data refers to huge chunks of data that keep growing at an exponential rate. For instance, a retail store operating online for several years is very likely to be dealing with big data. The transactions and sales taking place over the years have most likely led to an accumulation of data. An increase in the number of customers that the business has to do business with has also led to a growth in the amount of data these companies and business entities have to deal with.

One cannot control the rate at which big data grows. An online store of an e-commerce site cannot control the speed at which business is being conducted. As such, it is tough to predict how big data will be in several years to come. This makes the nature of big data very hard to determine, and as such, the data has to be treated as a category of its own owing to the problematic nature it presents to its users.

The storage space that big data occupies is vast, and for this reason, it cannot be stored locally or at the business premises.

Storing big data requires a data storage system to expand to take on the growing data without overflowing. Solutions such as OneDrive, Samsung Cloud, and iCloud drive are great for home use, but e-commerce entities require additional data storage.

The cloud used to store business data is significantly different from that used by any other party. For instance, Digital Ocean provides its users with the ability to create a droplet, a server instance that you can use to process big data. You can store the processed data on the hard drive or storage attached to the server.

Google Cloud Platform, GCP, has been identified as one of the most popular cloud computing and big data computation platform. It provides users with all the tools and computing resources that they need to handle big data comfortably. Cloud computing makes big data possible and is why many businesses have been able to stay afloat and survive the surge in data growth.

As data keeps growing, so do many other aspects involved with it. For instance, the data and its metadata will keep on growing, and keeping track of the data and its associated descriptions will be a massive challenge for the users of big data. Big data does not have any bounds in terms of what kind of space that it can occupy.

Big data also tends to grow at an unpredictable and uncontrollable rate. There might be spikes and surges in its growth rate, and most of the time, this data will tend to grow at a rate that is several times what people are used to. Initially, the data will seem to increase by several factors such as doubling or tripling.

However, as time goes by, big data tends to grow exponentially, which means that taking care of its growth and controlling its expansion can be tricky and very difficult. An exponential rate means that the storage space also needs to grow at roughly the same pace to keep up with the growing data needs.

Modern businesses and online organizations have data needs that need growing and getting urgent over time. For instance, the storage space required to store information over time keeps increasing, and with the cloud, big data has a place to be stored.

The interesting thing about big data is that it grows at the same rate as technology and has made it possible for modern businesses to stay alive. The scientific community is also another great consumer of big data. Current scientific experiments are so realistic due to the amount of data and the size of data sets used.

Big data is genuinely challenging and a milestone in the history of computing. It shows how far we have come in processing data and dealing with the rate at which data has been growing. With big data, any business can be able to thrive on the internet.

No matter the demands that consumers might place on the industry, big data ensures that everything is under control and the rate of growth of the business is controlled. Big data does not follow the same rules as other kinds of data.

For instance, an exponential growth rate means that the transition from one generation of big data to another will be a leap in comparison. Cloud computing has made it possible to make use of big data more helpful.

Big data cannot be helpful unless there is a way and means of handling it and processing it. For instance, the Google Cloud Platform has been powering scientific research by ensuring that scientists can upload substantial data sets and analyze them from the cloud’s comfort.

The cloud is pretty easy to use and powerful at the same time. This is why many people are moving to the cloud to process their big data and keep their businesses running and delivering services to their customers.

Database that keeps accumulating data can be considered to be big data. The accumulation of the information means that the data keeps getting bigger and bigger. As this data grows, it becomes necessary to move the database to a storage server that can handle the growing data.

Other approaches that have been used for databases include splitting them into pieces that can reside on separate servers. Breaking data to occupy several servers makes it possible to keep using a database even when multiplying. The astronomical nature of big data also makes the users of the data.

The Challenges of Big Data

One of the significant challenges of big data is the pace at which it grows. Big data keeps on growing, and it can get enormous in a concise amount of time. The users of big data have to deal with data that keeps growing each day.

They do this by ensuring additional storage space and servers are ready to be attached to the cluster whenever needed. As the data keeps growing, big data tends to require much more space. In an on-premise setting, getting new servers and building a bigger data server to accommodate the growing data would mean getting new servers.

In comparison, the data in my google drive will keep on growing without check, and in case I am about to exceed my quota, I will be informed in advance. As such, I will be able to purchase more storage, and the growing data will not be a reason for me to worry.

The growth of data has always been the main reason modern businesses worry about big data as it cannot fit into any of the spaces they cram it into. No matter the size of the server or storage you store data that keeps growing, it will always grow and exceed the available resources. As such, big data is a massive challenge when it comes to solving the storage equation.

Cloud storage has for the longest time been the ideal way to store information. As data keeps growing, so do the storage requirements. Hadoop has been used for a long time as a big data solution for businesses, organizations, and the scientific community.

Big data and cloud providers such as Apple iCloud, Digital Ocean, RackSpace, Xiaomi Cloud, and Amazon drive ensure that the growing challenge of data is adequately taken care of.

The complexity of big data also keeps growing over time. The data sets keep getting stranger and stranger, and sometimes, it becomes challenging to control the rate at which the data is growing. If there is some form of metadata associated with the chunks of big data, keeping track of this will also be necessary.

However, it becomes a challenge when enormous amounts of information that need to be handled as the metadata will add to the complexity. Managing the data will be very difficult, and the users of the information will always need to look for ways to make use of their data still.

When big data grows beyond the ability of its users to make sense of it, it loses its meaning and can no longer be said to be helpful to the people that make use of the data.

In addition to complexity, there is the changing nature of data. For instance, the records that an e-commerce company keeps about their customers will always keep changing over time. The users might make changes to the data when they update their information.

When such changes are made, the structure and nature of the data will also change. Companies that deal with rapidly evolving data are always finding it very challenging to analyze the information. The snapshots of the information will always keep changing, and keeping track of the transformation of the data will also be very difficult.

Modern businesses and organizations need to be ready to take care of constantly changing data that also grows at the same time.

Some of the complications and challenges presented by big data cannot be solved by mere hardware or software. A machine learning approach is needed to keep up with the pace at which the data grows. Amazon S3 is one of the famous nursery beds for artificial intelligence applications used to deal with big data.

Google machine learning algorithms are also being heavily employed in modern big data applications. These algorithms can identify patterns in big data, which are usually very hard to detect, and for the companies that need to make sense out of their data, this is very useful.

Data tends to evolve, and getting to keep it organized is one of the best ways businesses can handle big data better. No matter the size of the data, keeping it logically contained in one form or the other makes it easier to process the information.

Big data also changes as time goes by, and the rate at which it grows presents a challenge to the companies and individuals charged with dealing with big data.

The exponential growth rate means that the means and methods used to deal with the big data also have to be adjusted to catch up with the growth rate. The algorithms used by scientists to handle the big data and make sense of it also need to be improved and constantly revised to be effective for the growing data.

For this reason, the platforms that are being used to process and handle big data are also being constantly improved upon to ensure that data scientists have the tools they need to work with growing data sets.

Moving big data requires dedicated networks and huge enough bandwidth to let the data pass through. One of the main pitfalls for most companies that are dealing with big data is being able to make backups of their data.

Most of the time, the idle network is used to back up the data in the background while the rest of the applications and activity keep going on in the company. The network requirements of big data are very different from those of any other kind of data.

For instance, the security considerations while moving big data are very different from what you would need when uploading a few documents to Dropbox. Big data requires a secure network when it is backed up, and most of the time, daemons are tasked with moving the data when the network is not too busy.

For instance, a company with employees working through the day can automate their data processing and transfer needs to the cloud to ensure that the network is not congested during the day.

Big data is usually very intensive work and requires experts to ensure that the required results are obtained. There are always mounting challenges that are involved with big data. For this reason, you must have the right solutions for dealing with the growing data.

The cloud presents itself as one of the best solutions whenever big data is involved. Many cloud service providers will ensure that you get to process your big data effectively and at an affordable rate for your business, company, organization, or community.

Leveraging the Cloud to Handle Big Data

Cloud computing has grown at the same pace at which big data has been increasing. Cloud service providers such as Amazon, Google, and IBM are all offering their users solutions to keep up with the growth rate of big data.

You can, for instance, use cloud storage service providers like Amazon Drive or Huawei Cloud to backup your files and information. Individuals can automate the backups to ensure that as the data grows, so does the backup. Automating the backups also means that your cloud storage will keep getting filled up with time. This is one of the typical examples of big data in real life.

If you have a smartphone, you will likely make automated backups every midnight. These backups are intended to free up space on your local storage so that you can do more.

You get to take more photos and videos whenever you have made a backup to the cloud. However, the continued usage of your device over time means that the size of the backup will have grown at a monstrous rate.

Mega cloud has for a long time been used as a filesharing site for the internet. The service uses cloud computing to store massive files, and the reason all the users are offered enormous space in which to store their files.

The reason this is even possible in the first place is the low price of storage. Cloud storage gets cheaper as you purchase more, and most service providers will often opt for an unlimited plan and repackage this into smaller packages for their customers.

The cloud makes big data reasonably easy to handle, and whenever you have the cloud at your disposal, the size of the data sets that you will need to deal with will no longer have to be a reason for you to be concerned.

Big data analytic are easier to implement in the cloud for several reasons. First, the cloud is programmable, and you can always write your applications and programs that will be charged with analyzing your data.

A programmable cloud also means that customizing the cloud to fit the needs and requirements of any company or business on the internet is simple and straightforward. The cloud takes the complication out of handling big data and equips a trade to be ready for anything that might be destined for them.

The cloud can also be edited and redesigned to ensure that they are optimized for dealing with and processing massive amounts of data. For a business or an organization that deals with an enormous amount of data, the cloud can be one of the best ways to ensure that the data and information are fully utilized without even a byte of the data going to waste.

Cloud service providers also provide the tools and documentation required to create and deliver services to their customers. With the power of the cloud, businesses can store and handle much more information. As the number of customers keeps increasing, the company can thrive and maintain its high customer service and service delivery standards.

When it comes to storage, the cloud is one of the best ways to safely backup big data comfortably and with much ease. For instance, Google Drive storage lets you make all kinds of documents using the Docs web application and save them on the drive.

As such, you can create an office online where you can have all your activities carried out, all your document processed and the final result saved for future reference. Whenever you are working with the cloud, big data no longer needs to be a reason for you to be concerned.

Often, the cloud ensures that you can fully utilize the resources that are at your disposal. When you do this, you will make better profits while realizing efficiency with processing and handling data.

The scalable nature of the cloud also makes it an ideal way to deal with big data. Scaling the available resources up and down makes it possible to make the most out of the available resources. Whenever you are dealing with data that is growing each day, it is also essential that you can scale up the computing and storage resources available to process all the data.

Big data and the cloud work very well together and are why modern businesses and organizations are moving their activities and business to the cloud. Many cloud providers are also investing heavily in big data and creating solutions that will enable modern enterprises to deliver services at the business scale.

As big data keeps growing, businesses and organizations can continually mold the cloud to fit the new data, and with this comes a better way to deal with increasing information. The growing nature of the information means that the users of these applications and the big data can glean better insights from the same data sets.

For instance, companies and businesses on the internet can make better decisions when they have the cloud to work within processing their information. This is because they will be able to analyze the information better when dealing with it as big data.

Additionally, the users of the information get to handle it better when working with the cloud. There are experts in using the cloud, such as Google Cloud practitioners, who can develop solutions quickly for all kinds of significant data needs. An AWS-certified cloud practitioner will be able to deal with the Amazon cloud infrastructure and develop big data solutions for the companies and organizations that need them.

Benefits of Big Data

Big data has very many benefits. It is one of the leading forces behind the growth of modern business and the reason many companies are making efforts to ensure that they are working with big data. With big data, modern businesses are finding their business more capable of growth and better positioned to profit on the internet.

With the analytic from big data, they can serve their customers better. Most of the big data is used to steer businesses in the right direction and ensure that they can deliver the best services to their customers.

Behavior patterns from consumers are tough to predict. However, the use of big data makes it possible for the consumers to be given better services. When the business can anticipate their needs and requirements, they will also be better equipped and prepared to take care of their customers.

They will also improve their services with the feedback and the trends that they notice in the big data and, with time, get to render better services to their customers.

Businesses and organizations that need to grow will also need to use big data to direct their strategy. A growth plan that incorporates big data makes it possible for the company and businesses on the growth trajectory to track its improvement and growth with time.

It is also possible for the company to grow better when it has accurate information to work with. For instance, a sports website that provides real-time updates to their customer should have a big data platform to derive real-time insights. As such, they can adapt their strategy and make changes in real-time to retain their customers.

Growth is an essential aspect of any company on the internet, and with the use of big data, many companies get to improve their strategy and drive their growth forward. New features are often guided and informed by the patterns and insights derived from big data.

Big data is also helpful because it forms a foundation for companies to improve many aspects of a business. For instance, enterprises can build mobile applications and web applications around big data. Having a data set to work with means that any business or company will have an easy time deploying solutions for their customers to use.

Delivering services will also have been made much easier and more effortless for the company to leverage big data in giving their customers the best experience.

Take the example of an airline that makes use of big data to track its performance over time. With big data, the company can determine where it has been performing well and where it might have made a mistake or an error in judgment.

The company can make progress with time, and since it already has a point of reference, it will be able to steer itself in the correct direction. The airline will be able to adapt its strategy to the prevailing condition, and with the insight gained from the use of big data, it will be able to deliver better services and promote its brand.

The brand will also avoid running into losses when determining where it is losing the most money.

The use of big data also makes it possible to make massive changes to any strategy or plan. Big data guide these profound changes. They are intended to turn a business or an organization around how it can make progress and its quality of services.

Big data is also helpful in the sense that it raises the bar for many businesses and organizations. The companies and organizations that use big data can improve the quality of their services to their customers. They can use big data to ensure that the customers are getting the best services possible.

Additionally, the use of big data makes sure that there is a significant reduction in the rate of making errors.

An increase in the accuracy of decisions and changes made by any company that uses big data is immediately noticeable. For instance, they will target very tiny details such as customer requirements with much ease. They will also be able to make transformations and goals aligned with what the customer truly wants.

As such, customer service delivery is given a priority, and the business gets to make a name for itself in this way. The use of big data means that modern companies are better positioned to effect changes to the market and the world that will ease the lives of their customers.

The customers will also appreciate the quality of services they are getting from the company when they can notice subtle changes in the service delivery. The changes will also encourage loyalty from the customers and improve the relationship with the business.

Big data makes companies and online businesses more confident about themselves and the goals they can achieve. These businesses will be able to reach higher goals when they have much data to work with. Additionally, they will also be better positioned to deliver the best quality of service to their customers when working with the data.

These companies can reach further than they were initially able to, thanks to big data. Even though many perceive big data to be a challenge for modern businesses, it is a blessing in disguise. The massive nature of the data means that the company will not miss out on any crucial details.

With the advent of big data, modern companies and businesses can optimize their operations and processes to benefit them. The customers will have an easy time working with information, and obtaining items through these stores will be very easy.

It is relatively easy for a company to improve its services when it has massive data sets to guide this process than when it does not have complete information. Additionally, it is essential that modern businesses can stay competitive, and big data is one of the main ways in which they can be able to make this a reality.

As a result, businesses can make informed decisions and deliver the best services to their customers. The customers will also be able to appreciate the sort of services that they are getting. For businesses, the use of big data means that they will be competitive in a modern world.

In the age of information, big data will enable these businesses to be ahead of the competition in so many ways. Making better decisions than the competition means that a company will retain its customer. this will lead to more sales and better financial performance for the business.

Big data is also a challenge for modern businesses and service providers to deliver better services. It spurs them into thinking about change and encourages innovation which, in a way, ensures that the companies can stay relevant and deliver increasingly better services to their customers.

The customers will also get to experience a better time buying items, and shopping on huge online markets will be straightforward. Big data by businesses also means that the customers will have an easier time finding the things and products they are looking for.

How Businesses are Using Big Data and the Cloud

Modern businesses are increasingly making use of big data to improve their service delivery and upgrade their levels of standards. For instance, companies and companies that have been delivering online shopping services to their customers from the very early days of the internet are increasingly moving to the cloud.

With big data, the cloud makes it possible for these companies to improve the quality they deliver to their customers. As such, the companies get to retain their customers and, at the same time, ensure that they are giving their customers the best experience.

When it comes to processing transactions, big data is being used to ensure that companies can handle a massive volume of orders in a single business day. Giant internet companies are also using the cloud and big data to provide recommendations to their customers.

As the customer is going through the inventory searching for a product, the cloud and big data offer valuable suggestions and recommendations. These recommendations ensure that the customer can find items and products that are in line with their interests.

Recommendations are beneficial for showing similar items and ensuring that the customer can find the things that they are looking for with ease. Search is also being improved with the use of big data and the cloud. Many businesses that offer a vast range of products and services to their customers use big data to optimize search.

Search that makes use of big data is more refined and gives the best results to the customers. The customers will get to find the items that they are looking for in less time. As a result, they will also be able to shop faster, improving the conversion rate for many things and products on many e-commerce websites.

Modern businesses have found the cloud together with big data to be handy tools for keeping them online and in a sustainable state. The competition is getting stiffer with each day, and unless the businesses can make the necessary changes, they will be unable to survive.

The competition also has a strategy to offer better services to the customers. Companies that need to stay relevant will need to work on means and ways of delivering better services to their customers.

Businesses are also turning to the cloud to deal with the tremendous rate at which information is growing. Processing many transactions means that the companies will need to keep track of the growth of the data.

As data grows at an exponential rate, it can sometimes get out of hand. When it does, dealing with the information becomes more complicated, and cloud resources are needed. The use of cloud resources and big data means that the business can take on any changes in its operational environment.

Creativity and the invention of new products and services to customers from a business are also possible using big data and the cloud. The creative department of any business will benefit significantly from the use of the cloud and big data.

With big data, these companies and companies will be able to provide better services to their customers. Additionally, the businesses will offer better recommendations, and customers will find items they are looking for with much ease.

Modern businesses have realized the importance of big data and the cloud. For this reason, they are working hard to ensure that they deliver the best services to their customers. Cloud computing is also making the processing and handling of big data more accessible and more efficient in the first place.

Additionally, modern businesses are finding the cloud easier to scale. As data grows, the resources that are used to handle it will need to thrive hence the reason for using the cloud in the first place. For modern businesses, staying relevant will mean being able to adapt according to the business landscape and the requirements and preferences of the customers.