Networked devices extend the capabilities that are available on a remote machine to the local machine. The local user is able to make use of applications that are installed on the remote device over the network. This is one of the ways small business, startups and even individuals can build more complicated applications that are hosted on remote devices. Amazon Web Service, for instance, provides resources where the user can create applications that will run on the remote computers that are on the cloud. These resources include virtual machines such as Linux servers that can be used to how web application. If you are working on a web application as a hobby, you can make use of the remote machines to host your application. Hosting on a bare-metal server means that you can install all the applications you need to keep your application running. This can include databases, server monitors, email applications and other custom applications you might have designed for yourself.
The power of a network lies in its ability to augment your current working environment and upgrade you to a new world. As a developer, you can work with remote devices to create new instances of your computer application or for backups. Backups are especially important for the modern web applications as they are the sole means through which applications and information systems are able to recover. In the event that one of the servers that hold information is no longer running, the backups will acts as a recovery point for the information systems. Backups are also useful for systems that are prone to hacking attacks. In the event of a hacking attack, the backup server can be started remotely and all the traffic rerouted to that IP address.
Working remotely is also easier to secure using modern cipher suites and SSH. SSH makes use of an encryption key to access the remote application and login to the server. Using SSH, the local computer only needs to login to the remote server once with the credentials. The IP address of the local machine gets logged onto the remote server and subsequent login attempts do not require a password. SSH is more secure than RDP for remote servers and works best for Linux servers. It works for systems such as servers which need remote login and more secure for the modern web.
Networked devices also possess features and capabilities that are not easy to find on local systems. For instance, installing applications on the networked device is much easier as the server can be left running overnight and install an entire software suite. Applications can also be left running on the remote server when the local servers have been shut down. As a matter of fact, remote servers are one of the best ways to keep business services running without interruption. The applications that are running on the remote server can be kept running with scripts and provide services to the customers and users of the web services and web applications.