Applications are designed to be both readable as well as comfortable for the reason that they often tend to present information of a very complicated nature and whenever the app developers and designers are setting out to design and build an application for the users, they have to be very serious. Application designers have to follow and adhere to the rules of responsible application interface designs in an effort to make the presentation of information comfortable for the application users. Information presented to the user in a simplified manner makes the usage for the user quite easy and they will not need to be worried about anything when dealing with the application. Tools that are included in the app and used to handle the information presented therein are also easy to use and are easily reachable for the application user. They are comfortable and conveniently placed in locations on the screen that are comfortable for the app users and are also animated in order to make it a blissful experience for those users who interact with the application more frequently. It pays to have app content that is readable and the app designers have to make the text on the screen a size that is not that hard to recognize in addition to spacing out the words comfortably to avoid too much text being focused on a small area while the rest of the screen space goes unused. With this in mind, the application designer will have to learn how to adjust the application layout for the best readability and comfort as well as ease of use.
Application designs that are both readable and comfortable are of benefit to the users in the sense that they will not have to spend much time trying to figure out what is written in the app. Additionally, they will be able to interact with the information presented more comfortably as well as get the tasks that they intend to accomplish with the application completed in a shorter time without having to strain. A stress free app usage experience is what many designers strive for as well as putting their time and effort into testing application interfaces that are sleek and impact the mentality of the application user easily. The application user is able to get familiar with the application usage mechanisms much easily and will not be hindered by any of the design aspects of the application. This is the reason application designers will often compete to make the best application that will not only serve their users best, but also ensure that they have the best time using the application. In many cases, one might find it much easier to deal with complex information on simple designs than with more complicated interfaces that will take a lot of learning to get accustomed to. In short, the design of the application for the interaction and use of information from varied sources has to be ideal for the particular usage scenarios as well as comfortable for the user.