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Passwords and Prime Numbers

Passwords are a security mechanism that is used to gain access to information systems and other modern applications such as web applications, email accounts, bank accounts, and other sensitive resources over the internet. The use of passwords encourages the privacy of information and accessing an information system or application requires that the user enters their password to confirm their identity to the system and allow for themselves to be let into the system and access the information and application functionalities which are not publicly or openly available.

The use of passwords is a habit that has grown with the uptake of technology and devices and other accounts are usually kept secure using a combination of characters which are known as a password. The combination of the characters which make up the password is random and made up of mixed characters such as the alphabet, numbers, and special symbols which make it very hard for anyone that was not involved in creating the password to guess it or try to access the system.

The strength of a password lies in its length and how random the characters that make up the password are with the strongest passwords including upper case characters and lower case characters. Passwords are known to draw their strength from the use of prime numbers which are massive sequences of numbers that are hard to break and dividing the numbers is considered to be very tough, especially for the applications and programs that are meant to break the passwords.

The prime numbers make the passwords stronger by ensuring that any program or software application designed with the intent of breaking the password has to do a lot of computations before it can even begin to guess the correct sequence of characters that make up the password. The password is also stronger when it is composed of powerful primes that keep the password safe and secured.

Good password practices are encouraged and highly recommended for modern information systems and applications as they ensure that the password is safe and not easy to guess for anyone that tries to access the information that is secure behind it. The typical password failures include using passwords that are too short or the kind of passwords that have an easy to guess sequence such as numbers or letters that follow each other on the alphabet.

These passwords are usually very easy to guess and someone that is making attempts to gain access into the information system will easily be able to make their way past the security installation and into the information. Passwords that are similar to the usernames are also dangerous for modern systems as the user that is trying to guess the password might be tempted to add a few characters to the username and for weak passwords, this means that they will have gotten past the security installation. As such, using strong passwords is encouraged, and mixing numbers, symbols, and letters of the alphabet that are both lower case and upper case is recommended for strong passwords that cannot be broken.