Networked systems are at the highest threat of incoming attacks thanks to the fact that they expose much of their information architecture to the outside world and suspicious elements are very likely to try and gain access into them. Intrusions are the attempts made at gaining access into a protected networked system and take the form of software programs that are sent to weaken the current security measures that act as a safeguard to the networked system. The intrusions are also considered to be very dangerous when they are successful at getting into the networked system and should be avoided at all costs.
Intrusion detection for networked systems is very important as it ensure that any attempt at an unauthorized access into the system is detected and the administrator alerted. A log is also kept to keep track of all the attempts that were being made on the networked system in an effort to take advantage of the security structure of the network and access the resources that are within the network. Network attacks are common and very varied in their design as the attacker will always think up of an attack before trying it out on the system. Some of the hackers are also very daring and will take their time to craft up an attack that is specifically designed for the system that they are trying to gain access into. Such a crafted attack will not be defended against and will cause the security structure of the system to crumble.
Firewalls can also be configured with a means for intrusion detection such that any incoming traffic is stripped down to its bare components and studied for signs of an attack signature. In this manner, the attacker will always be kept at bay and any attempts they try at getting into the system are thwarted with their IP addresses getting blocked and flagged for the firewall to block out permanently. Security systems that are designed for networks are always aware of the authorized and unauthorized components of the system.
Additional protective measures against intrusions are configuring the system to totally ignore the IP addresses that have too insistent on getting onto a system and causing damage. This means that all the traffic has to be filtered and signatures that indicate an attack that has been tried on the system but failed are blocked out and not allowed to get into the system again. This is almost similar to bricking the IP addresses that insist on being allowed into a networked system and even redirecting them to honeypot systems that will catch them and feed them with the incorrect information.
In conclusion, securing networked systems means being able to detect the attacks as they try to edge their way onto the network. Intrusion detection is very important for modern systems and makes it possible for the networks to find out which IP addresses belong to criminal and passionate hackers thus keeping them at bay with their attempts of getting into the system.