Web applications can be designed both for failure as well as success. The design that is intended for failure tends to stand up to the test of time and usage and is able to maintain itself without crashing or coming to a complete halt. Web apps designed to handle failure are less likely to fail and are able to detect when there is malicious use of the resources on the web application as well as record them. Records of when an application is not performing stably also makes it possible for the developers to develop patches for the source code and improve the structure of the application in the way it was designed.
Web applications that keep failing present opportunities for improvements and make it possible to enhance the performance of the application and the failure should not be taken as a sign of weak applications or anything. As a matter of fact, web applications that keep on failing will keep getting better and better as they get improved and the causes behind the failures established. It could be an unnecessary flow of information into the application or a lack of balance in handling the processing of information in the application but in all these cases, the designers and developers will always get the best information to work with. As such, they have a point of reference to proceed from in terms of code quality and the better performance of their web application.
Modern web applications are designed to be powerful, reliable and resilient to all kinds of tests that are thrown in its way. They however, possess some weaknesses such as performance lags that are not observed immediately but get noticed with increased use of the web application. Noticing the issues in the application makes it possible to improve it and this means that starting with a design destined for failure is not something bad after all. It might take a while to get the application running but all the stops, crashes and halts provide very useful information to the developers that are able to upgrade the application and add features onto it which makes the web application perform better and produce better, more accurate output.
Web apps that are designed for failure also provide more insight into applications and where they are more likely to develop weaknesses which encourages the developers to patch the areas they have discovered not to serve their purposes as they had been intended for in the first place. Faulty code in the web application is also gotten rid of with the feedback that comes from the failed applications and iterations improves the quality of the code and the app performance.
In conclusion, web applications that have been designed for failure present the best opportunity to have better applications that perform well and are of better standards. Developers get the best feedback from these applications and in this way, they get to improve these applications and get rid of the bugs and code portions that were not coded properly. This makes it possible for the entire sections of the application to serve their purpose properly.